Friday, January 12, 2018

Fall Clean Up 2017

We had a beautiful day for our fall clean up on October 21st! Once again neighbors came together to clean up both the front and back entrances for the upcoming winter. Our previous landscaping guru, Jim Muir, had since retired from the position and moved from the neighborhood, but thankfully John Varitimos and Janine Symes were willing to step up and tag team this important role:) Thank you so much!!! Also very grateful to Paul Bettle, the Brenton family, the Broderick family, Anne Caliento, John Chamberlain, Bill Morton, Sarah Pasternak, the Sullivan family, and the Symes family for pitching in to get the job done. Great work, everyone!!!

{John V. and Anne...always at every clean up!}

{Mother/Daughter team Janine and Elina Symes battle the bush...and win!}

{John C.}

{Paul making it look easy}

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